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If you have any questions, please go to #general-questions-and-suggestions

Art Credit: sunset curve#4175

❗by participating in the server you agree to following all the following rules and that severe or repeated violations will result in being muted, kicked, or banned ❗

NOTE: Chat moderators will use their reasonable discretion towards enforcing rules. Intentions and context will be kept in mind.

         1) Don't put anyone, their personal information, their accounts, passwords etc. in danger.         
         2) No slurs, excessive cussing, or otherwise inappropriate or offensive language.         
         3) NO HARASSING OR TORMENTING OTHER MEMBERS! This includes verbal harassment, gaslighting, name-calling, slander, or otherwise clearly intending to hurt someone. You may still be banned, kicked, or muted for this if it happens in another server or private messages as well. This behavior is NOT tolerated.         

         4) No excessive spamming (A little is ok)         


         6) For art, nudity is okay, but no genitalia may be shown or grotesquely outlined and the art is clearly not sexually motivated.         

         7) For talking, discussing biology or anatomy is completely okay, but it MUST be respectful.(ex. "Do female varisatyrs have periods?", "my mom is pregnant!", "are varisatyr genitalia like humans'?" etc. are all okay. It is NOT okay to say things like "I love big boobs", "I want to get her pregnant", "he would look better without pants on")         

         8) Don't ping @/everyone or @/here !         

         9) Don't advertise to strangers in dms!         

         10) Don't join the server if you are under 13 years of age.         

         11) Talk in the correct channels! If you are consistently talking in the wrong channel for the same reason over and over, you can be muted or kicked.

         12) Please be patient with moderators! We can't always help everyone right away. If you are constantly harassing mods, you can be barred from participating in most of the server. (However, do please let them know if they've made a mistake or have a concern!)         

         13) ONLY ONE ACCOUNT PER PERSON! Having an alt account will get both users banned!         

         14) Please spoil and warn about anything that is commonly upsetting, such as gore or loud noises (However if something is prohibited due to another rule it's not okay, spoiler or not). You also are recommended to spoil/censor if you aren't sure if something you'll ask/say/post/etc are against the guidelines above.         

         15) On the topic of venting, mental health, and otherwise sensitive topics, it's okay to talk about, but make sure people are comfortable with it and nothing is being forced on people and the topics are being handled seriously. NO "KYS", no "you're acting autistic", etc. Venting about serious and personal subjects is discouraged in the server for the user's own safety.
         16) NO "stealing" work like art or writing and portraying it as your own! This includes AI art/writing/etc. Breaking this rule can result in an immediate ban from posting art, or being kicked form the server.

⚠️ PLEASE BE AWARE OF WHAT IS PERMITTED IN THE SERVER! Please don't participate in the server if you're not comfortable or allowed to be exposed to certain things that are permitted. ⚠️

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